Monday, April 18, 2011

My First Blog!

OMG!!! I finally got my blog going. I can't explain how excited I really am about this. For those of you who know me, my mind is so random and I am constantly thinking and day dreaming about stuff and I think that this blog is going to help me with that. Let's call it multimedia journaling or you can all me an African American version of Carrie Bradshaw from "Sex and The City" (my ultimate favorite TV show). Well I thought that I would start my first blog by responding to this random survey that I found that can get you guys introduced to who I am. Also, this is my blog and I will not always be typing in proper grammar usage, please do not judge or correct

  • What’s your favorite food and color? Even though I know longer eat red meat, I love Philly Cheesesteaks and my favorite color is hot pink and indigo (a pretty blue for those who don't know their colors. Don't worry, we there will be a blog on numbers

  • Do you have a hobby? If so, what is it? A hobby means that you do it often and you find fulfillment in it. So I don't know if I have a hobby. There are many things that I like. But nothing that I do consistently.

  • How would you describe your personality? Oh boy! Crazy, goofy, inappropriate (at times), classy, shy (yes I am), funny, weird, interesting, the list can go on forever.

  • What are you passionate about? Saving children who are in abusive homes. That is something that really burns me up like nothing else. I have contemplated several times quitting my job, selling everything I have, and go and do God's work. It's a prayer in progress.

  • What are your strengths? Hmm...I am so flaud in so many ways that I don't even know. So one thing that I will give myself is if I say I'm going to do something, most of the time I do it. Or if I tell someone else that I am going to do something, I will for sure do it. I am pretty good communicator for the most part (I better, I spent thousands of dollars to study the subject). What else guys?

  • What are your weaknesses? Whoa! Is it sad that I can give dozens of flaws than strengths immediatley? I don't cut myself any slack....EVER. I am very...VERY hard on myself. Sometimes its even hard for me to take a compiment. Recognition makes me uncomfortable because I feel that I could always do better. I would rather be recognized 1:1 rather than in a large setting. There are so many, but I will give those for now.

  • Who do you admire? Women. I admire any single woman who are raising a family alone, have a career, and still trying to make a life for themselves (Angel and Murray you guys are my hero's). I admire any man who goes against the grain and do something that not every man does. When a man chooses to go to do community service or missionary work versus hanging out with their boys, that is attractive.

  • What do you value? HONESTY! The truth hurts like crazy, but being honest upfront is so much better than lieing and hiding things from people. Men, I would rather you to be a jerk up front, rather than to try not to hurt my feelings. That is an insult to all women! To think that we immediatley place you on a pedestal of "never do wrong" and assume that we will be broken because you don't want us or what we want is just not cool.  I will most certainly be a bitch to you upfront about my feelings rather than give you mixed signals. But I know how to communicate that in a tone without it come off demeaning ( I think).

  • What are your beliefs? I believe in a Higher Power. I am not a relgious person, but consider myself more spiritual than anything. You will never hear me call myself a Christian because there are so many definitions to that. So I am a lover of a Higher Spirit and believe that he or she is everwhere. I try to circle my life around that belief and live through it. I believe in redemption. We all have done things that we are not proud of, but God is the true redemer and we all need it sometimes. I believe in love.

  • What would you like to improve in your life? My life.

  • What are your long-term goals? I don't believe in goals necessarily, because I think that they are limitations. Just know what you want and go beyond it.

  • What do you like about yourself? I LOVE MY BUTT (LMAO). All of my friends are rolling their eyes. I think I am a very compassionate and understanding person. I can be very objective, even if I don't agree, I always try to understand the point that an opposing side is trying to get across.

  • What do I dislike about myself? I can be a *itch, seriously, I can be "funny acting" for no reason ( I really do not like that), I can be judgemental, sometimes I don't like when people have something better than me (that depends though, not in all cases). I am really working on all of this. I truly do not like it, one bit.

  • What are my priorities? Getting and staying right with the lawd, my career, my friends, my God babies and my nephew, my family, and paying off my student loans as quickly as possible.

  • Do you have a good relationship with your family? I think so. It could always be better.

  • What is your purpose? I don't know. Is'nt that exciting?!

  • If you had only 6 months to live, what would you do? EAT AND TRAVEL!!! Spend time with my family and friends, but especially with De'Asia, LaRyn, Lil John, and my Jaylen.

  • The last question…. If there is one word to describe your entire self, what would that be? OPEN.

    1. So basically if you expounded or expanded (whichever is proper english) more on each question that could've been like about 15 different blogs right there... Dig deeper Nicole... Deeper! Let's get to your CORE man!

    2. well... take off that crap about your butt.... no one cares about your butt... sorry


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